The Foundation of Freedom is the Courage of Ordinary People History On Line
Brief historical account, map of invasion beaches, links to Photos |
Our four APD's constituted TD-111 which, as Navy Special Operations put it, "provided the operational catalyst for the multinational raiding force that repeatedly struck North Korea's railway system". - WANTUCK AT INCHON
- 5th Marines, including units carried by Wantuck, initiated the Inchon invasion.
- Wantuck's LCVPs circle off Wolmi-Do before assault at Green Beach
- Brief history of APD 125 Wantuck
- Wantuck won one WWII Battle Star
- Wantuck won the Navy Efficiency citation in 1950
- Korean War Prelude: Sub(?) Attack
- Wantuck won five Korean War Battle Stars
 - Wantuck won the Korean Presidential Unit Citation
- Photo of Korean Minesweeper blowing up in Wonsan Harbor
- 3,000 mines had been laid under supervision of Russian experts
- Wantuck carried UDT1 in helping mine-clearing operations
- Wantuck also operated in mined areas while on Commando raids
- Navy Mine Sweeping: Chinnampo
- Photo of Begor as beach supplies and facilities are detonated
- Photo linked to brief history of APD 127 Begor
- Photo of Wantuck while Station Ship Hong Kong, between wars
- Other APDs in the Korean War
- 41 Independent Commando Royal Marines
- Photos, personal links, of ex-Wantuck crewman Bert Kortegaard
Causes of the Korean Tragedy ... Failure of Leadership, Intelligence and Preparation
The Foundations of Freedom are the Courage of Ordinary People and Quality of our Arms |