After Eighth Army under Lt. General Ridgway had stopped the CCF Fifth Phase Campaign, and counter-attacked to again mostly cross the 38th Parallel, Truman ordered us to halt the general offensive, prepare defensive positions across the width of the Korean peninsula, and begin truce talks.
Eighth Army was forbidden to make further attacks which might gain substantial terrain.
On July 8, 1951, "Truce" talks began at the Kaesong Conference, in what was once a Tea House with dancing girls. The performers changed and the dance became a Danse Macabre, as the talks moved to Panmunjom and dragged on for two years. Politicians Posturing ... the Infantry bleeding.
The Danse finally ended with a Cease Fire.
Well, it got us home. But who knows when, or how, the Korean War itself will end?
Kaesong, the old capitol of Korea