Old Australiantradition for making tea. A billy was a tin can of suitable size for theoccasion, from large jam tin up. A wire handle was attached to the top,fencing wire mostly. A fire was lit from the best material available, drysticks and grass worked well. The billy containing the needed amount ofwater was sat on the fire, or suspended over it by the handle and aframework of green sticks. When the water boiled the correct amount of tealeaves were tossed in and brought back to the boil until the desiredstrength was attained. When ready the billy was removed carefully, andswung around in a circular motion for a minute maybe, that caused the tealeaves to settle to the bottom. This brew was then poured carefully intoeach man's mug, so as to leave the tea on the bottom of the billy. Sugarwas added to taste and some liked milk if available, which wasn't often inKorea. Mostly it was drunk when very hot and was quite refreshing andstimulating. When a large billy was being prepared, the call went out."Brew up." and the mob gathered for a social chin wag and cigarette. In Oz way back in time when folks couldstill light a fire, the usual thing was to toss in a gumleaf for extraflavour. They were hard to come by in the queer country. |