3RAR unit

Ron Cashman, Observation post Little Gibraltar, Hill 355, '53

Big enough to put a shell in, which "Charlie" did.

Natural air conditioning, built mostly using native materials, environmentally blended decor.

Location much desired by neighbors.

This is a good example of how not to build an observation pit.

Clearlyit would have stood out to the enemy, and surely they would nail it.

Inthe case of this ill devised pit, I was sharing it with two others one daylooking for targets of any kind. From out in the distance we heard the POPof a Chinese mortar being fired, shortly thereafter the bomb just clearedthe overhead cover. Exploding in the entrance to a bunker, and on top ofmy gear which was stashed there. The gear caught fire and the bunkerpartially collapsed, trapping several men inside and shocking the heck outof us all. Between we three groggy blokes from the pit, and others whocame to the rescue, the entombed ones were rescued and taken to themedics. They suffered only shock.

Fortunately our counter battery ladswere on the job and replied so quickly at the Chinese mortar, they had torun for cover or we would have worn several more with dire results. That pit was given the miss for observing from after that.

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