QUICK THINKING DENNIS ROBINSON Service Details Dennis Robinson first experienced military service as a Rifleman with 6Battalion Cameronians of the 52nd Lowland Division and was a combatant from July 1944 tillthe end of World War 2 and then served with the British Army of Occupation, Rhine (BAOR)until 1948. He joined the Australian Army (3/10114) in London, England in October 1950 andwas posted to 2 Battalion RAR at Puckapunyal. From there he was sent to Japan and postedto B Company 3 Battalion RAR (Korea) as a reinforcement. He was wounded in action on 7October 1951 at the Battle of Maryang San. He returned to Australia in June 1952 and wasposted to the School of Tactics, Seymour, Victoria. Discharged in August 1955 at his ownrequest with the rank of Corporal, Dennis now lives in Melton, Victoria. | 
In the annals of World Military History, the Battle of Maryang San codenamed 'Operation Commando', would probably only warrant a brief mention, just another"straightening of the line" skirmish to ensure the United Nations (UN) commandheld favourable positions now that the Korean War had, after highly mobile initial stages,developed into static trench warfare. But, to me, it was a big "deal". Activeservice was not a new experience for me as I had served with the British Army in Europeand in the occupation of Gernany after the end of World War II. 
| It was heavy going but the 3rd Battalion RAR was making steady progressagainst stiff opposition from elements of the Chinese Army. This was no surprise as theircommanders could also read maps and were fully aware of the strategic importance ofMaryang San. The terrain was very rough, a dreary landscape of barren hills andprecipitous ridges, shrouded by the early morning mists that heralded the advent ofwinter. Supplies had to be brought up by Korean porters, ammunition (ammo), food, etc. butthis cannot be maintained all the time. The heat of battle, terrain and weather determinesre-supply, and today was one of those days. For some reason or other supplies were a bitlate coming up to B Company and the Chinese had been probing all night with patrols anddummy attacks. You could feel in the air something was going to happen. My mate and Imanaged to "brew up" and get a bite to eat at first light, and that was the lastof our tucker until supplies came up. I think we had a pack of cigarettes between us andwere just about to light up when we heard the bugles. |
Some explanation is required here. The Chinese always attack to thesound of bugles, whether they were a form of signal, or a rallying call, or perhaps todemoralize the enemy is not known. Whatever the reason, the first of the Chinese assaulttroops soon appeared in the valley. Their artillery then laid down a barrage on ourpositions and the enemy soldiers started to come up the very steep slope towards us on ourhilltop position. On checking our ammo we found that we only had 9 rounds between us, Ihad 5 and my mate had 4 in the magazine of his .303 Lee Enfield rifle. By this time theenemy were getting very much closer and I was starting to wonder why I had joined theAustralian Army leaving the green fields of England to face a situation like this. Therewas, however, no time for recriminations. The first of the Chinese were getting prettyclose, and as we were a good way ahead of the rest of the Section we had to size up thesituation, if there was time for quick thinking, it was now. It was no use trying to bugout so I said to my mate, "There are about 500 of those Bastards out there but I havea plan that might stop them." My mate replied, "with only 9 rounds between us itbetter be good." "If you take a good look" I said, "you will see thatthere are two officers leading them up the hill, you get the one on the left and I willget the one on the right, and don't miss or we have had it." By this time the Chinesewere about 25 yards away and when I said "NOW!", we fired together, and did notmiss. On being hit the 2 Officers fell backwards onto the men behind them, and with thesteep slope you can imagine all those Chinese falling back onto one another. It was a verygood picture of a set of dominoes falling. Whilst this was all happening my mate and Iwere able to get out and back to the rest of the Company, under the Command then of Major'Wings' Nicholls, and withdraw to better defensive positions.
It was about this time that the world blew up in my face. I can recallthe flash of the explosion and something with the force of an express train hitting me. Iwoke up in Mobile Surgical Hospital (Mash) in Seoul. Maryang San was taken by the 3Battalion Royal Australian Regiment and Operation Commando was a success. To the men of BCompany I say well done. To those men of the Chinese Army, I say, "Never come up asteep slope in front of the Australians or we will knock you all down with just 2shots." As a matter of interest, I never regretted joining the Australian Army and Iam proud to have served with 3 Battalion. I recovered from my wounds, served out my Tourof Duty in Korea and my term of enlistment and remained in Australia. I am now no longerreferred to, nor do I consider myself as, "A Pommy Bastard". |