Korean War Online Guestbook

I've really enjoyed this site. It's an excellent source for technical information as well as photos and personal stories. I keep coming back!

Added: July 9, 2015
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I was 9 years old when the Korean War ended. I remember watching the return of our prisoners on my parents black and white TV. I don't know why that memory has stuck with me all these years.

Added: June 19, 2015
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My uncle rupert george bullock died on 26th january 1952. This site has given me lots of new information. there is a photo of him on here that my family does not have. is there any way we could get a printable copy of it? I would love to print one for my mum, aunties & uncles. thanking you for great information that was not known

Admin reply: Thanks for your feedback!

The heart-touching account about George was supplied to Aussie Album by Olwyn Green,

widow of 3rd Btn’s first commander who was also killed in Korea. I doubt she has a better photo, but here is her last known email address should you care to contact her.

Olwyn Green, olwyng@bigpond.net.au


Added: May 3, 2015
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: February 24, 2015
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My grandfather was there in 1953. He was with the USMC, C-1-5, he was wounded on Outpost Reno during the Nevada Cities battles. I was sent to Korea as my first duty station with the Army, 49 years later, during the 50th Anniversary in South Korea (they have it foe 3 years, so from 2000-2003). I'm an amateur scriptwriter and want to write a film script about the battle at Reno.

Added: February 23, 2015
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I have been trying to trace an Uncle's Military Record. When he was alive he told me I would not be able to. I have contacted many , many places for some sign of him but no luck. I only met him briefly we are not a close family. The Military records center called me and apologized for not finding his records and gave me his RA# and date of enlistment which was 12-3-1947. We have a picture of him in uniform and the military museum told me he was in the Army Core of Engineers. They could not find him either. His name was Robert Robinson from Worcester, MA. He did say he worked in a motor pool repairing vehicles and it was like having a 9-5 job in the army. That's it all I have. Any suggestions?

Added: February 10, 2015
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THE DOD Estimates 3,067 to 3,838 of 7,860 MIAS are Still in North Korea
On March 21, 2012 the Obuma Administation suspended talks with North Korea over Repration of MIAS :!mad:
On October 2014 the North Koreans announced they would move the remains of 5,000 MIAS en masse
Ref: MIssing iN action {Korea} Wikipedia
So What can be done?
Congress is the voice of the People
Let your Congressman know of this legacy
Prehaps Congress can get talks going again with North Korea and bring our missing sons home to the USA

Added: January 26, 2015
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The Kalashnikov series of weapons is not based off of Sergei Simonov's weapon designs in any way. Most of Simonov's designs suffered from susceptibility to dirt interfering with the internals, and part of the Kalashnikov's success is due to its increased resistance to dirt. Maybe this is what you were thinking of when you wrote the SKS page.

Added: October 9, 2014
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Hello Bud,
Thank you for the link, great website. Thank you for your service in the Air Force. Although I don't have time to read all of this, I will, when I have more time.
You're Mom saved a lot of stuff for you. Moms are GREAT!! :)

Added: September 3, 2014
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Private post. Click to view.

Admin reply: Hi, your contact email at Yahoo keeps bouncing you as unknown, so I reply this way hoping you will read the Guest Book again.

I don't have your uncle listed on the KW MOH list
If you aren't mistaken I would appreciate a copy of his citation or some other documentation.

The interpretation of your uncle's official listing is that he was a casualty of some sort on September 9, 1951, and Returned to Military Control (RMC) at a later date.
BORRELLI FRANK - US56052292 - 1951/09/06 - CA - Alameda - RMC - 7th Cav Regt (Inf)-1st Cav Div

Sincerely, Bert

Added: July 31, 2014
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