The Foundation of Freedom is the Courage of Ordinary People History On Line
by Billy C. Mossman  CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY UNITED STATES ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 1990 . . . to Those Who Served
Foreword Ebb and Flow records an important chapter in the Korean War. It begins with the last weeks of the pell-mell rush of United Nations forces to the Chinese border and goes on to describe in great detail the test of American military leadership and resources posed by the taxing retreat of the Eighth Army and X Corps across the frozen wastes of North Korea. It also examines the special problems posed to a fighting army during the deadly months of stalemate in the summer of 1951. The part of the war described in this volume raises many questions for the military strategist and provides a treasure trove of lessons for the student of the art of war. The book emphasizes the limitations imposed by terrain and weather on the fighting capabilities of an American army facing surprise attack from a large, disciplined enemy. The operations it describes to such careful detail will help vivify the principles of war for those who would study the profession of arms. It seems particularly appropriate that this volume is going to the printer during a year when the Army is emphasizing the theme of training. It is important to study carefully such a recent and important example of an American army performing superbly against great odds. I encourage the military student and veteran alike to take advantage of the insights into our profession imparted in the pages that follow. The Author A graduate of Wayne State (Nebraska) College, Billy C. Mossman is the author of studies and monographs on U.S. Army operations in the Korean War and of two chapters, "Peace Becomes Cold War, 1945-50," and "The Korean War, 1950-53," in American Military History, a volume in the Army Historical Series. He contributed to Origins, History, and Accomplishments of the U.S. Army Reserve, published by the Historical Evaluation and Research Organization, and to Challenge and Response in Internal Conflict, published by the Center for Research in Social Systems, American University. He is also coauthor of The Last Salute: Civil and Military Funerals, 1921-1969.During World War II, Mr. Mossman served as a platoon leader with the 381st Infantry, 96th Infantry Division, and participated in the Leyte and Okinawa campaigns in the Pacific theater. In the Korean War, he was a military historian with the Eighth Army; Army Forces, Far East; and United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission. Mr. Mossman joined the Office of the Chief of Military History as an Army officer in 1954 and became a civilian staff member in 1957. As a civilian staff member, he served successively as historian, deputy branch chief, branch chief, and acting division chief. He retired in 1983 but remains active in the field of military history. Preface This book describes military operations during the Korean War from late November 1950 to early July 1951, a period in which battle lines did indeed ebb and flow in pronounced surges. The volume is one of several in the United States Army in the Korean War series. In its coverage of combat operations, the book falls in the series between South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu by Roy E. Appleman and Truce Tent and Fighting Front by Walter G. Hermes.In describing the large-scale engagements that occurred between sizable opposing forces over seven months' time, I had to focus treatment of the battles at a somewhat high level, often corps or army. I also had to be selective in the use of detail. While this approach does not fully record the gallantry, suffering, and achievements of individual men in combat, I hope that the battle descriptions clearly indicate the substantial measure of their individual accomplishments and valor. I wrote this book over many years, interrupting my work on numerous occasions and for long periods to carry out other responsibilities and assignments. In fact, I gave the account its final touches after I retired from the Center of Military History. It was also in retirement that I designed the maps and selected the photographs that illustrate the book. During the years spent writing the book, I received valuable support and assistance from many people. Supervisory officials at all levels provided unfailing support. The successive Chiefs of Military History included Brig. Gen. James A. Norell, Brig. Gen. William H. Harris, Brig. Gen. Hal C. Pattison, Brig. Gen. James L. Collins, Jr., and Brig. Gen. William A. Stofft. Holding the post of Chief Historian during the period of preparation were Dr. Stetson Conn, Dr. Maurice Matloff, and Dr. David Trask. I received valuable assistance and guidance from a considerable number of officers who served as Chief, Histories Division: Lt. Col. James C. Griffin; Col. Louis G. Mendez, Jr.; Col. Paul P. Hinkley; Col. Leonard G. Robinson; Col. Albert W. Jones; Col. John E. Jessup, Jr.; Col. James W. Dunn; and Lt. Col. Richard O. Perry. Wise counsel also came from my branch chiefs: Charles B. MacDonald, Robert Ross Smith, Robert W. Coakley, and Walter G. Hermes. Over the course of my research, Hannah M. Zeidlik, currently the Chief, Historical Resources Branch, was a mainstay in obtaining and providing essential records, studies, and reports. On the production level, Joyce W. Hardyman performed the main editing of the volume assisted by James W. Grandy. Also importantly involved in the production process were John W. Elsberg, the current Editor in Chief, Barbara H. Gilbert, and Rae T. Panella. Arthur S. Hardyman and Linda M. Cajka processed the maps from layout to final form. Howell C. Brewer handled the acquisition and preparation of the photographs that illustrate the volume. Notwithstanding the significant contributions of the persons named above, I alone am responsible for the interpretations made and conclusions drawn in this book and for any deficiencies that it may have. 8 September 1988 Washington, D.C. | BILLY C. MOSSMAN | Contents Chapter | Page | I. THE MISSION | 3 | The Battleground | 3 | The Initial Mission | 7 | The Mission Expanded | 17 | The Mission Reconsidered | 21 | II. THE FORCES AND THE PLANS | 23 | The United Nations Command | 23 | The UNC Plan of Advance | 42 | The Outlook for Victory | 49 | III. THE ENEMY | 51 | The North Korean Armed Forces | 51 | The Chinese People's Volunteers | 52 | IV. THE BATTLE OF THE CH'ONGCH'ON | 61 | The Advance to Contact | 61 | The Chinese Attack | 65 | The Second Phase Offensive | 72 | The Threat of Envelopment | 76 | V. THE BATTLE OF THE CHANGJIN (Chosin) RESERVOIR | 84 | X Corps Dispositions, 26 November | 84 | The Advance Toward Mup'yong-ni | 88 | The IX Army Group Attacks | 90 | The Attacks Widen | 98 | The Tokyo Conference | 103 | VI. DISENGAGEMENT IN THE WEST | 105 | The Threat of Envelopment | 105 | The Second Disengagement | 109 | Trouble on the Lines of Communication | 114 | The Sukch'on-Sunch'on-Songch'on Line | 116 | The Roadblock Below Kunu-ri | 119 | Support Force 21 | 269 | From the Road Junction to Hoengsong | 272 | The Costs | 279 | XV. DEFENDING THE WONJU LINE | 282 | The X Corps Position, 13 February | 282 | The West Shoulder, 13-14 February | 285 | The East Shoulder, 14-18 February | 291 | Chip'yong-ni and Task Force Crombez | 295 | A Turning Point | 300 | XVI. THE KILLER OPERATION | 301 | The Concept | 301 | Intelligence Problems | 302 | The Plans | 305 | The Advance | 307 | The Ripper Concept | 310 | XVII. OPERATION RIPPER | 315 | The Plan | 315 | The Advance to Line Albany | 321 | The Enemy Buildup | 322 | Hongch'on Cleared | 327 | Seoul Retaken | 328 | Ch'unch'on Captured | 330 | On the Eastern Front | 333 | The Courageous Concept | 334 | XVIII. ADVANCE TO THE PARALLEL | 335 | Operation Courageous | 335 | Ripper Concluded | 343 | The Parallel Question | 344 | The Rugged and Dauntless Concept | 347 | XIX. OPERATION RUGGED | 351 | The Enemy Situation | 351 | The Advance to Line Kansas | 353 | Change of Command | 362 | XX. TOWARD THE IRON TRIANGLE | 368 | The Enemy's Conspicuous Absence, 11-20 April | 369 | One Day's Notice | 375 | TablesCharts Maps 1. East Central Asia | 4 | 2. Korea | 6 | 3. The Battlefront, 23 November 1950 | 46 | 4. Battle of the Ch'ongch'on, 25-28 November 1950 | 66 | 5. The X Corps Zone, 26 November 1950 | 85 | 6. 5th and 7th Marines at Yudam-ni, 27 November 1950 | 91 | 7. The 31st RCT East of the Reservoir, 27 November 1950 | 93 | 8. Battle of the Changjin Reservoir, 27-29 November 1950 | 95 | 9. Battle of the Ch'ongch'on, 28 November-1 December 1950 | 106 | 10. The 2d Infantry Division at Kunu-ri, 29-30 November 1950 | 110 | 11. Concentration at Hagaru-ri, 1-4 December 1950 | 133 | 12. Withdrawal From the Reservoir, 6-11 December 1950 | 144 | 13. Eighth Army Withdrawal, 1-23 December 1950 | 152 | 14. X Corps Evacuation Plan | 168 | 15. Enemy Third Phase Offensive, the Opening Effort, 26 December 1950-1 January 1951 | 181 | 16. Withdrawal to Line D, I and X Corps, 4-7 January 1951 | 215 | 17. NK II Corps and V Corps Attacks, 7-22 January 1951 | 218 | 18. Operation THUNDERBOLT, 25-31 January 1951 | 241 | 19. Operation ROUNDUP, the X Corps Plan, 4 February 1951 | 250 | 20. Operation THUNDERBOLT, 1-11 February 1951 | 253 | 21. Operation ROUNDUP, 5-11 February 1951 | 260 | 22. Battle for Hoengsong, 11-13 February 1951 | 267 | 23. Chip'yong-ni, 13-14 February 1951 | 286 | 24. Defending the Wonju Line, 13-18 February 1951 | 289 | 25. Operation KILLER, 20 February-6 March 1951 | 303 | 26. Operation RIPPER, Western Front, 6-31 March 1951 | 316 | 27. Operation RIPPER, Eastern Front, 6-31 March 1951 | 318 | 28. Operation COURAGEOUS, 22-28 March 1951 | 336 | 29. The RUGGED and DAUNTLESS Operations, Western Front, 1-22 April 1951 | 354 | 30. The RUGGED and DAUNTLESS Operations, Eastern Front, 1-22 April 1951 | 357 | 31. Hwach'on Dam, 9-11 April 1951 | 363 | 32. The Chinese Spring Offensive, the Main Effort, 22-30 April 1951 | 380 | 33. The Eastern Front, 22-24 April 1951 | 390 | 34. The British 29th Brigade Sector, 25 April 1951 | 423 | 35. Battle Below the Soyang, 16-20 May 1951 | 446 | 36. 38th Infantry and Task Force Zebra Positions, 16 May 1951 | 449 | 37. Eighth Army Advance, 20 May-1 July 1951 | 471 | History On Line Axial Taebaek Mountains | 5 | Typical Terrain Near The 38th Parallel In The West | 8 | The Port Of Pusan | 9 | C-46 Pushed To Solid Ground After Runway Collapse | 11 | View of Rail Lines and Roads | 11 | Soldier Enduring Winter Weather | 12 | Haberdasher Harry | 13 | Secretary of State Dean Acheson | 13 | The Joint Chiefs of Staff | 14 | General J. Lawton Collins | 15 | General of the Army Douglas MacArthur | 15 | Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer | 16 | Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy | 16 | Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker | 17 | Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond | 18 | Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall | 19 | KATUSA Member with American soldier | 24 | UNC-FEC Headquarters, Tokyo | 25 | Maj. Gen. Francis W. Farrell | 27 | 3.5-In Rocket Launcher | 31 | 57-mm Recoilless Riflel | 32 | 75-mm Recoilless Rifle | 33 | M46 Patton Tank | 34 | Sikorsky H-5 Helicopter | 35 | F7F Tigercat | 36 | A MASH Nurse | 37 | F-80C Shooting Star; F-84E Thunderjet; F-86A Sabrejet | 38 | F9F Pantherjet | 39 | USS Leyte Being Refueled At Sea | 41 | Kim Il Sung | 52 | Lin Piao | 55 | Chou En-Lai | 58 | Maj Gen Frank W. Milburn with Secy of the Army Frank Pace, Jr. | 62 | Maj. Gen. John B. Coulter | 62 | The Changjin Reservoir (North End) | 86 | The Hagaru Area (East Hill Is In Background) | 87 | An 8-Inch Howitzer and Crew | 125 | East Side of the Changjin Reservoir | 134 | Marines Withdraw from Yudam-ni | 136 | C-47s Evacuate Casualties From Hagaru-ri | 138 | Hagaru-ri Fire Support and Airfield | 140 | The Destroyed Bridge South of Koto-ri | 142 | The Chasm Later Bridged With Treadway Spans | 143 | Task Force Dog Artillery in Chinhung-ni Firing Position | 146 | 8th Army Troops Retreating South From Sunch'on Toward P'yongyang | 151 | All Bridges Across The Taedong River at Pyongyang Were Destroyed After 8th Army Retreated South Of City | 154 | Eighth Army Troops Dig In North Of Seoul | 162 | Seoul: The Capitol Is At Center | 163 | Troops Outloading At Hungnam | 169 | Barrels Of Aviation Fuel To Be Loaded On Ships At Hungnam | 170 | Rearguard Troops of 3rd Infantry Division leave Hungnam Beach - 24 December 1950 | 174 | Final Demolitions At Hungnam - USS Begor, APD 127 | 175 | Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway | 178 | Ambassaddor John J. Muccio With President Syngman Rhee | 179 | The Uijongbu Area | 182 | Aged Refugee Carried Across the Han River south of Seoul, January 1951 | 203 | A Cartload of Very Young Refugees | 205 | The Last Bridge Over the Han River at Seoul Is Demolished, January 4 1951 | 206 | Congestion on Route 29 South of Hongch'on during retreat in the Central Sector, Jan 3 '51 | 211 | The Port Of Inch'on, Tidal Basin upper right, Foreground Island of Wolmi-do | 213 | Kimpo Airfield Jan 4 '51 | 214 | 2d Infantry Division Troops South of Wonju, Jan 10 '51 | 224 | General Collins With General MacArthur, Japan, Jan 15 '51 | 235 | Close Air Support Given 7th Cavalry Near Inch'on, Jan 26 '51 | 242 | 5th Regimental Combat Team Advances Toward the Han River, Feb 5 '41 | 257 | Chinese Captives Taken During Operation Killer | 309 | Air Interdiction of the Rail Lines | 312 | 25th Infantry Division Tanks Cross the Han River | 320 | Lt. Gen. Nam Il | 325 | Peng Teh-huai | 326 | Seoul Residents Reenter the City | 331 | Practice Jump from C119s by 187th Regimental Combat Team Members | 337 | 3d Infantry Division Troops in the Uijongbu Area, March 23 '51 | 342 | General MacArthur and General Ridgway meet on East Coast, April 3 '51 | 348 | The A-frame | 352 | Directing Artillery Fire on Chinese Positions near 38th Parallel | 355 | Lt. Gen. James Van Fleet | 369 | 25th Infantry Division Front South of Ch'orwon | 392 | 24th Infantry Division Forces Retreat to Line Kansas | 393 | 3d Infantry Division Troops Retreat From Line Utah | 394 | Belgian Troops Retreat From the Hill 194 Area | 396 | Marines Under Fire | 400 | British 29th Infantry Brigade Rest Following Difficult Retreat From the Imjin River | 425 | The USS Toledo In Action | 432 | Navy AD Skyraider | 440 | The Hwach'on Dam Under Attack By AD Skyraiders using torpedoes | 441 | 7th Infantry Division in the Ch'unch'on Area | 473 | The Punchbowl | 486 | Engineers Search For Mines | 492 | Marines Advance in the Yanggu Area | 494 | 3d Infantry Division Troops in the Sobang Hills | 503 | The Kaesong Armistice Conference Site | 505 |
Causes of the Korean Tragedy ... Failure of Leadership, Intelligence and Preparation
The Foundations of Freedom are the Courage of Ordinary People and Quality of our Arms