KOREA REMEMBEREDAnnotated Index by Major Alec Weaver, Royal Australian Regiment, (Ret) |
Recollections and reminiscences of some of the seventeen thousand Australian military personnel who served in the Korean War. |
![]() CONTENTS Chapter 1: The Great Adventure - Joe Vezgoff This experienced Infantryman'scontribution to the Book, rightly deserves to be its pipe opener, thanks to his rather delightfullyphilosophical treatment of his vast experiences both in war and peace. Chapter 2: Battle of the Apple Orchard - David Butler The distinguished General hashonoured this Book by giving us a most professionally portrayed picture of the initialoperation conducted by Australian troops in Korea under extremely complex and dangerouscondition.He participated in the action as a junior officer and has not only givenus ' the big picture' but alsoeffectively shared his personal observations from the perspective heexperienced at the time Chapter 3: Trials and Tribulation - Pat Knowles Pat invites the reader toparticipate in his experiences as a young Digger posted from his unit in the Occupation ofJapan to 3RAR where he took part in a number of operations including the battleof Kapyong and Hill 317 (Maryang San) His descriptions of the mostintimate aspects concerning individual Officers NCOs and various Diggers,most certainly deserve our attention. Chapter 4: Patrol to lchon and Kapyong Revisited - Ben O'Dowd Ben was anoutstanding officer, who greatly contributed to the success of 3 RAR's operation at Kapyong.His reminiscences make excellent reading Chapter 5: Bulldust Baffles Brains - Algy Clark Algy displays a delightful sense of humour and gives us a brief report how he was able to bring down the vast firepower from all supporting arms in order to thwart a Chinese offensive during the latter part of 1951. Chapter 6: The Military Team - Frank Hassett The General commanded 3RAR during a most busy time in Korea which, among other actions saw our troops in fighting the battles for Hills 355 and 317. Chapter 7: Operation Commando - Bill Keyes Bill Keyes , an experienced WWII officer, has illustrated the events ofthe major operations of 3 RARas part of 'Operation Commando' during his service in Korea. He does sowith only a few words,but with excellent effect. Chapter 8: Maryang San - Charlie Company - Jack Gerke An experienced CompanyCommander gives his report on one of the most significant operations conducted by3RAR in KoreaHe gives well-earned praise to every one of his officers and men, whoimpressed him withtheir professionalism and courage.Jack Gerke's contribution deserves careful study by all those interestedin how Infantry Operations ought to be conducted and what is entailed in the concept of'man management'.It is also recommended to read General Hassett's Review of Jack Gerke'ssubmission, in whichthe General took it upon himself to give Jack Gerke the accolades he sorightfully deserved! Chapter 9: Quick Thinking - Dennis Robinson Dennis, a former British Army soldier, took part in the Battle of Maryang San (Hill 317). He briefly, but most graphicallygives us an insight into the frantic actions a soldier must experiencewhen face to face with a determined enemy. Should such phenomena not be understood, we mostcertainly cannot comprehend what can occur in the 'fog of war.' Chapter 10: Recollections of War - Maurie Pears The co-author of this Book gives us a most interesting and detailed insight into almost every aspectconcerning the Australian involvement in the Korean War. His reflectionson his personal experiences and observations deserve to be studied insome detail. Chapter 10A: Front-line Korea - Mark Young As a WWII veteran, Mark took part in'Operation Commando' as a Platoon Sergeant. He has given us a brief, buteffective narration of his various experiences. He particularly highlights hisimpression concerning the high standard of team work permeating the Australianbattalions as seen in contrast to his experiences during WWII. Chapter 10B: Frozen Chosen - Slim Cotton Slim was a Platoon Sergeant in C Company of 3RAR. He was known for hiskeen sense of humour and recalls his service under Major Jack Gerkeduring the height of the battalion's military operations.His brief contribution deserves to be viewed with interest. Chapter 10C: Casualty Evacuation - Looking Back - Digger James James was himself aserious casualty as a platoon commander in Korea and later graduated as a medicalpractitioner serving as a commander of a Field Hospital in Vietnam and later rising tothe Rank of General Chapter 10D: Duty First - Arthur Stanley This seasoned Infantryman of WWII andCompany Sergeant Major in 3RAR during the battles for Hill 355 and 317the introduces the reader into what actually happens during a well-plannedand executed military operation . He displays the art of capturing the humanside of an infantry operation as it manifests itself under the most diresituations. Chapter 10E: Wilco Out - Jim McFadzean As a signalman for his Company Commanderduring 3RAR's operations against Hill 355 and Hill 317, Jim has successfullyallowed us to be able to appreciate the importance of his tasks under fireparticularly when involved in attacks of that demanding nature He was Mentioned -in- Dispatches forhis sterling efforts Chapter 10F: Niner Niner - Bushy Pembroke Pembroke, as a young platoon commander, earnedhis Military Cross with great distinction during the attack against Hill 317also named Pyramid and Maryang San. He has given us a most worthwhilenarration of those important events in the history of the Australian campaign inKorea. Chapter 10G: 'The Hinge'- Ted Bosworth, Jack Park, Curly Lamb. The 'triumvirate' of Diggers treats us to a detailed and lively insight into their experiencesduring a most volatile period of operations in Korea. They have,individually, told us of their various experiences under fire and in close combat.A most valuable contribution to this Book! Chapter 11: Off to War - Jim Pashen The outstanding features of Jim's contributionare to be found in his reporting of the many and various characteristics and behaviour of hisfellow diggers under arduous and risky combat conditions. Chapter 12: Operation Fauna - December 1952 - Gus Breen Gus Breen treats us to a graphicallypresented insight into one of the most significant operations conducted byAustralian troops in the Korean War. Chapter 13: The FOO Recalls Operation Fauna - John Salmon As young ArtilleryOfficer, Salmon saw his baptism of fire as a Forward Observation Officer in close combat duringthis operation. He rose to the rank of Brigadier after a long and illustrious career. Chapter 14: Life in the Trenches, Korea 1952 and 1953 - Alan Limburg The text of Alan's story says it all! Chapter 15: Minefields and Other Escapades - John Hutcheson An Engineer Officerseconded to 3RAR tells of his experiences as a Pioneer Platoon Commanderon operational service in Korea where his battalion relied heavily on theprotection of an effective mine field Chapter 16: My Korean Adventure Snow Dicker 'Snow' was already a battle hardened soldier of WWII when he arrived inKorea , where he was involved in the initial operations against theKorean Army well North of the 38th Parallel. He vividly describes hisexperiences as a Vickers Machine Gunner which sadly ended in his becominga rather serious casualty when his gun crew had been put out of actionfrom enemy mortar bombs. Chapter 16a: Man on the Skyline - Peter 'Doc, Wesley 'Doc' has given us a most amusing anecdote stemming from his life in thefront line in Korea However his rather light hearted approach to hissubject, cleverly conceals the reality of the life with which soldiers arefaced in the trenches and on patrols into no-man's land. He is true to theAustralian soldiers' reputation of maintaining a rare sense of humour inadversity. Chapter 17: A Lust for Travel - Keith Mildner Keith describes his service with theAustralian Army in a most delightful way and takes us into his life with 3 RAR in the frontline sharing his experiences as one under heavy artillery and mortar fire in the linewhere he also came into contact with some of the better-known identities of thebattalion Chapter 18: Last Days on'The Hook'- 1953 - Ron Walker Walker describes the final battleand desperate efforts by the Chinese to gain ground before the Armistice cameinto effect Chapter 19: Recollections of Korea, July 1953 - Brian Cooper Brian's contributionto this book is one not to be overlooked. The Military Medal winner allows us to share hisvarious 'adventures' of an Infantry NCO in Korea and later as a Warrant Officer Class I. Chapter 20: To be a Soldier - Snowy 'Snowy' has insisted to be able to maintain his anonymity for reasons ofhis own. He treats the reader to a most lively and interesting segment abundant inrather a lighthearted portrayal of his multitude of impressions gained on active service as aninfantryman. He was seriously wounded in action and hospitalised for a lengthy period.His somewhat philosophical remarks will doubtless delight the reader. Chapter 21: The Mosquitoes of Korea - Gus Breen Gus Breen (see also Chapter 12 ) was seconded to the US Air Force after ,(among other achievements )such as commanding an infantry platoon during amajor operation.Gus was involved in rather hazardous operations over enemy lines whilstpin-pointing sites of tactical significance His exploits as an observer make mostinteresting reading. Chapter 22: The Static War - Ron Hughes General Hughes commanded 3RAR when the battalion was tasked with thedefence ofa vitally important sector as part of the 150-mile line held by the Alliedforces in Korea. Chapter 23: I was a Prisoner in North Korea - Eric Donnelly Eric was taken POW by the Chinese whilst his patrol was engaged in anintenselyfought close-quarter contact during which he was seriously wounded in hisleg.His vivid description of his fate from the moment of his being takenprisonerand throughout his horrendous ordeal until his release, is mostcaptivating and readable. Chapter 24: Australian Prisoners of War in Korea - Phil Greville Like John Hutcheson( Chapter 15) Phil Greville , a Royal AustralianEngineer officer,was seconded to 1RAR for the Korean campaign. His narrative concerning hisexperiences as a POW of the Chinese serves as an important insight into anaspect of war seldom discussed.He has illustrated in a succinct manner, how the Chinese resorted topsychological andphysical torture in order to dominate the mind of non-cooperative andrecalcitrant prisoners. Chapter 25: Chongin ... North Korea - Tom Hamilton Tom has submitted a short , but most interesting account of hisexperiences as a sailorwith the RAN on active service off the Korean coast in support ofminesweeping duties and other related operations. Chapter 26: The ANZAC Tradition and Korea - A Sailor, ex-HMAS ANZAC This anonymous sailor has given us a vivid picture of operations off theKorean West Coast. He successfully reminds the reader of the vulnerability of ships inhostile waters. He effectively impresses us with his personal pride in having been a partof perpetuating the Anzac tradition. Chapter 27: HMAS CONDAMINE - Vince Fazio Vince Fazio was a ships carpenter (Chippy) whist serving on the Condamineduring operations in Korean Waters. His narrative of the various operations involving hisship, is a stark reminder tothe readers of this fine Book, that much, much more occurred off shoreduring the conflict than ever imagined by those involved in operations onland. Chapter 28: HMAS SYDNEY Alan Zammit Alan Zammit portrays the many operational involvements of his ship onpatrol dutyin Korean waters in a most refreshing style. He leaves the reader in nodoubt as to the many hazards experienced by those at sea during a war - not tospeak of the unforgiving moods of Mother Nature. Chapter 29: Mustangs and Meteors - Ray Trebilco Air Vice-Marshal Ray Trebilco came through the ranks and distinguishedhimself as ayoung officer in aerial combat during the Korean conflict. He presents amost vivid account of action as a fighter pilotin close contact with a determined enemy.His contribution to this Book isa 'gem' deserving particular attentionUnfortunately Ray passed away last year, after the publication of thisBook ,at a relatively young age. Chapter 30: RAAF Transport - Leon Murtagh Leon has aptly succeeded in describing the various problems andachievements of those entrusted with giving support to those engaged inthe actual combat. He has done this by giving us a rare insight into thevital role that is being played behind the scenes of actual combatoperations. not that he himself was always far from the 'sho'! Chapter 31: In the Air - Dinny O'Brien As a fitter, Dinny was entrusted with the refueling, rearming and repair of aircraft.He gives the reader a most worthwhile explanation of what actually occursin the area of support under difficult conditions. Chapter 32: Memories of Korea - Kenneth'Black'Murray Kenneth 'Black' Murray, was already an experienced fighter pilot of WWII,when introduced to the Korean War where he distinguished himself by havingflown a record number of missions against Russian as well as Chinesepilots, He has given us most worthwhile statistical and personallyexperienced information relating the Australian Air War in Korea. Chapter 32a: Wings 77 - Pat Melican Pat was yet another most dedicated young ground staff Airman in support ofthe Australian Fighter Squadron. His contribution to this Book is mostwelcome as it covers s aspects not generally focused upon in publicationscovering a war. Chapter 32b: Korea Recalled - Ted Moore Ted Moore tells us, that as a projectionist and organiser of concertparties, he neversaw an angry enemy face. Nevertheless his story is most certainlyworthwhile forinclusion in this Book, as we are tacitly reminded of the importance ofmorale in war. Chapter 33: Lamp Ladies - Dita McCarthy Brigadier Dita McCarthy was and continues to be a well-known and popularmemberof the Army Nursing Service having brought to the Korean theatre herextensiveexperiences ranging from WWII in Papua New Guinea to Japan, and Malaya.(After her Korean tour she also served in the Vietnam conflict)Her contribution to this Book is a most valuable one when seen in thelight ofher compassion toward the wounded and deep understanding and appreciationof what is required of her under all circumstances, ranging from succoringthe wounded to counseling returned POW.Her brief but action-packed narrative deserves the readers closeattention. Chapter 34: MEDAIR - Gay Halstead Gay Halstead was a well known and admired officer of the AustralianAirforcewho dedicated her life in the service to the wounded and maimed ,oftenunder extremely uncomfortable and dangerous situations. She always put thesafety andwell-being of those under her care before those of her own needsAn experienced professional lady, she has painted a mostgripping picture portraying her many experiences and observations in theKorean War.She brings her contribution to this Book to life, by mentioning a largenumber of those who were fortunate to have been associated with her directly orindirectly and by her generous remarks concerning her peers as well as those underher control. There is an enormous lot in Gay's account which should be studied in somedetail lest we tend to lose important themes which can only be found in war. Chapter 35: Blue Capes - Patricia Oliver A most dedicated Airforce Nursing Sister, Patricia Oliver, spent two yearsand 684 flying hours during the Korean War involving her in tending thewounded under trying conditions. which she describes in a most professional mannerwith vivid explanations of the various types of casualties she had to tend Chapter 36: What's Up,Doc? - Nathalie Wittman Nathalie Wittman (nee Sister Oldham) gave valuable service in tending thewounded being conveyed by air from the battle area to hospitals in Japan duringthe Korean War.Her high qualifications in a number of specialties proved to be of greatvalue, standing her in good stead for the demanding duties.Her anecdotes make most interesting reading and give a lively picture ofwhat occurred in those hectic days. Chapter 37: Korea Remembered - compiled by Maurie Pears Maurie Pears, the co-author of Korea Remembered , has compiled a mostimportant and interesting collection for this fine Book. His pages abound in mostrelevant details explaining the various stages of the conflict as it affected theAustralian involvement in the Korean War.He lists and explains the various battles and operations fought by theAustralian troops and makes excellent use of information given by a number of officers andother ranks who supplied brief, but most meaningful articles relevant to the variousaspects of the campaign.His contribution calls for serious attention by all those wanting toenrich their knowledge of the war or, where applicable, for those wanting to reminisce.
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